Bachelors of Science (B.S.), Biomedical Engineering, University of Arkansas, United States, 2014
Current position
PhD Candidate, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arkansas, United States
Greening GJ, Mundo AI, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ. “Sampling depth of a diffuse reflectance spectroscopy probe for in vivo physiologic quantification of murine subcutaneous tumor allografts,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23(8), (2018). Link
Tabassum S, Pera V, Greening GJ, Muldoon TJ, Roblyer D. “Two-layer inverse model for improved longitudinal preclinical tumor imaging in the spatial frequency domain,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23(7), (2018). Link
Greening GJ, Miller KP, Spainhour CR, Cato MD, Muldoon TJ. “Effects of isoflurane anesthesia on physiological parameters in murine subcutaneous tumor allografts measured via diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, 9(6), (2018). Link
Greening GJ, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ. “Multimodal imaging and spectroscopy fiber-bundle microendoscopy platform for non-invasive in vivo tissue analysis,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 116, (2016). Link
Greening GJ, James HM, Dierks MK, Vongkittiargorn N, Osterholm SM, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ. “Towards monitoring dysplastic progression in the oral cavity using a hybrid fiber-bundle imaging and spectroscopy probe,” Scientific Reports, 6(26734), (2016). Link
Greening GJ, Powless AJ, Hutcheson JA, James HM, Dierks MK, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ, “Fiber-bundle microendoscopy with sub-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and intensity mapping for multimodal optical biopsy of stratified epithelium,” Biomedical Optics Express, 6(12), (2015). Link
Greening GJ, Istfan R, Higgins LM, Balachandran K, Roblyer D, Pierce MC, Muldoon TJ, “Characterization of thin poly (dimethylsiloxane)-based tissue simulating phantoms with tunable reduced scattering and absorption coefficients at visible and near infrared wavelength,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(11), (2014). Link
Greening GJ, James HM, Muldoon TJ. “Optical Phantoms: Diffuse and sub-diffuse imaging and spectroscopy validation,” SPIE Spotlights, (2015). Link
Greening GJ, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ. “In vivo measurement of non-keratinized squamous epithelium using a spectroscopic microendoscope with multiple source-detector separations,” Proceedings of SPIE, 9715, (2016). Link
Greening GJ, Powless AJ, Hutcheson JA, Prieto SP, Majid AA, Muldoon TJ, “Design and validation of a diffuse reflectance and spectroscopic microendoscope with poly (dimethylsioxane)-based phantoms,” Proceedings of SPIE, 9332, (2015). Link
Greening GJ, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ, (May 2018). “Sampling depth of a diffuse reflectance spectroscopy probe in murine subcutaneous tumor allografts,” Poster presentation at the SPIE Translational Biophotonics Conference, Houston, TX.
Greening GJ, Gordon SP, James HM, Muldoon TJ, (Jan 2018). “Monitoring therapeutic response of murine tumor allografts of colon carcinoma in response to combined immunotherapy and chemotherapy,” Oral presentation at the SPIE Photonics West BiOS Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Greening GJ, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ, (May 2016). “A hybrid imaging and spectroscopy probe for monitoring dysplasia,” Poster presentation at the SPIE Translational Biophotonics Conference, Houston, TX.
Greening GJ, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ, (Feb 2016). “In vivo measurement of non-keratinized squamous epithelium using a spectroscopic microendoscope with multiple source-detector separations,” Oral presentation at the SPIE Photonics West BiOS Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Greening GJ, Powless AJ, Hutcheson JA, Prieto SP, Majid AA, Muldoon TJ, (Feb 2015). “Design and validation of a diffuse reflectance and spectroscopic microendoscope with poly (dimethylsioxane)-based phantoms,” Oral presentation at the SPIE Photonics West BiOS Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Greening GJ, Balachandran K, Muldoon TJ, (Apr 2014). “Thin-film polydimethylsiloxane-based optical phantoms for epithelial tissue simulation,” Poster presentation at the OSA Biomedical Optics Conference, Miami, FL.
Greening GJ, Bess SN, Cato MC, Miller KP, Spainhour S, Hearn R, Palafox L, Rajaram N, Muldoon TJ, “Macrophage-targeted anti-CCL2 immunotherapy enhances tumor sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in a Balb/c-CT26 murine colon carcinoma model measured using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy” In progress
Greening GJ, Cato MC, Muldoon TJ, “The effects of colorectal cancer chemotherapy on tumor hypoxia and angiogenesis” In progress
Bess SN, Greening GJ, Muldoon TJ, “Advances in monoclonal antibody immunotherapy for colorectal cancer and monitoring of tumor therapeutic response” In progress
Greening GJ, Bess SN, Muldoon TJ, “Immunohistochemistry staining for tumor-associated macrophage polarization in murine subcutaneous colon tumor allografts” In progress