Takeshi Imai
  • Professor, Kyushu University Fukuoka
Personal information


Ph.D. in Biophysics and Biochemistry, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2006

Current position

Professor, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan

Publications (selected)

  1. Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.jp/citations?user=VPwm0QUAAAAJ&hl=ja
  2. Iwata, R., Kiyonari, H. and Imai, T. (2017). Mechanosensory-Based Phase Coding of Odor Identity in the Olfactory Bulb. Neuron 96(5): 1139-1152 e1137. 
  3. Ke, M. T., Nakai, Y., Fujimoto, S., Takayama, R., Yoshida, S., Kitajima, T. S., Sato, M. and Imai, T. (2016). Super-Resolution Mapping of Neuronal Circuitry With an Index-Optimized Clearing Agent. Cell Rep 14(11): 2718-2732. 
  4. Nakashima, A.*, Takeuchi, H.*, Imai, T.*, Saito, H., Kiyonari, H., Abe, T., Chen, M., Weinstein, L. S., Yu, C. R., Storm, D. R., Nishizumi, H. and Sakano, H. (2013). Agonist-independent GPCR activity regulates anterior-posterior targeting of olfactory sensory neurons. Cell 154(6): 1314-1325. (*Equally contributed)
  5. Ke, M. T., Fujimoto, S. and Imai, T. (2013). SeeDB: a simple and morphology-preserving optical clearing agent for neuronal circuit reconstruction. Nat Neurosci 16(8): 1154-1161.
  6. Imai, T., Sakano, H. and Vosshall, L. B. (2010). Topographic mapping--the olfactory system. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2(8): a001776. (Review)
  7. Imai, T., Yamazaki, T., Kobayakawa, R., Kobayakawa, K., Abe, T., Suzuki, M. and Sakano, H. (2009). Pre-target axon sorting establishes the neural map topography. Science 325(5940): 585-590.
  8. Imai, T., Suzuki, M. and Sakano, H. (2006). Odorant receptor-derived cAMP signals direct axonal targeting. Science 314(5799): 657-661.
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